Recently, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation began to request that vehicles being registered in the name of a corporation submit evidence that the corporation has duly authorized registration of the vehicle in the name of the corporation, and create a Registrant Identification Number (RIN).
What is a Registrant Identification Number (RIN)?
A Registrant Identification Number (RIN) is a unique identification number that is used to identify a corporation or business (could be a sole proprietorship or partnership) in the motor vehicle registration system.
How do I obtain a Registrant Identification Number (RIN)?
The Ministry is accepting statutory declarations and affidavits, signed by the board of directors of the corporation, as evidence that the directors have provided appropriate authorization.
We often get asked to prepare, commission or notarize these types of documents. In order to prepare a declaration or affidavit to register a vehicle under a company, we require the following information:
1. Business or corporation Name
2. Whether the business or corporation is an Ontario, Federal or other provincial corporation, sole proprietor or partnership
3. The corporation number
4. The full legal names of each director, or the director with signing anthority for the corporation or business
5. The registered office address of the corporation or business
6. Phone number of the corporation or business
It is usually helpful for clients to bring in a Corproation Profile Report or Articles of Incorporation (or master business licence if a partnership or sole proprietor)
Sometimes, clients bring in their own affidavits or declarations to be notarized. In notarizing or commissioning the document, we are not verifying the contents of the document. The director(s) signing the document are declaring, swearing or affirming that the information in the document it true.
We charge $30 plus HST to notarize a affidavit or declaration that you have created. If you'd like us to prepare the affidavit or declaration, the charge is $80 plus HST. To schedule an appointment, please visit our notary public booking website.